Domenica, 02 Giugno 2024
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manifestazione nazionale30052015

In line with FIGC President Tavecchio, Italian women's football is called to manifest throughout Italy to raise synergy with men’s professional football clubs and to support women’s football clubs (that are all amateur under the LND league).

The latest release of the LND President Felice Belloli (That's enough, we can not always talk about giving money to these four lesbians), under the review of a federal committee, goes to join the many discriminations that the Italian women's football movement has had to suffer in silence. An unbearable, shameful and uncivilized situation to which we had to say: “Stop because now it is enough “ !!! The credit for this change should be assigned to the secretary Patrizia Cottini who verbalized Belloli words and to Sonia Pessotto who has confirmed , without delay, the unacceptable words of the LND chairman. It could be said that the Italian women's football revival has come out thanks to the discriminatory ignorance of those who insist on ignore the importance that can bring the evolution of the pink football to our society.


Two months ago, 40 women’s football clubs chairmen participating with their first teams in the Italian national Serie A and Serie B championships, dragged by Elisabetta Cortani and me, have discouraged the president Belloli and the Women Lnd Department asking to go directly under the FIGC management to follow President Tavecchio. The letters were submitted to the FIGC legal office for the verification and implementation of the request made.


"We want to build our future with UEFA and FIFA direct support, leaving the LND filter to pass directly under the FIGC management."


The FIGC president Carlo Tavecchio is still working to link the Italian women's football clubs with the men's professional ones with proposals and projects that are struggling to be understood and assimilated for this implementation.

To encourage this cultural change, in harmony and sharing the President Tavecchio ideas and intentions,   Elisabetta Cortani offers and organizes a demonstration in Rome to solicit the attention of men's professional football clubs and gain a concrete support for all women’s football clubs (Regional and National ones), this event has been extended by me in all the regional capitals squares.


"It is not acceptable that the four times world champion Italian professional football do not participate in the growth of women's football as it happens in all countries of the world. It's matter of social and national sports pride: we do not want to remain the women's football third world!"


All the national and regional women’s football clubs 11 a side, 5 a side with also all the footballers of the youth sector - Elisabetta Cortani  says - are invited to contact us to participate in the national historic event of Saturday, May 30, in all the major Italian cities and, at the same time under the FIGC head office in Rome, to support the president's Tavecchio words who also today insisted: "This is the right time to finish my synergic project with the men's professional football clubs, the maximum thing that can be obtain from the sports system. "


The president Cortani will work in harmony with the 40 women’s football clubs chairmen promoters and signatories, in the coming days we’ll give everybody the list of women’s football clubs chairmen of reference for all the regions.


Walter Pettinati

photo Luca Schiavon



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Testata giornalistica registrata al Tribunale di Firenze il 15 settembre 2016  n. 6032.
Direttore Walter Pettinati - PROMOITALIA Editore.

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